Hugo Lavenant - Assistant Professor at Bocconi University

Welcome to my personal webpage. I am assistant professor at the department of Decision Sciences of Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, working on optimal transport, calculus of variations and Bayesian statistics.

Before that I was a postdoctoral fellow of the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the University of British Columbia, in Canada. I worked under the guidance of Young-Heon Kim, Brendan Pass, Geoffrey Schiebinger and Dave Schneider, using optimal transport for the trajectory inference problem, and in the study of nonlinear elasticity.

Between 2016 and 2019 I have completed a PhD in mathematics under the supervision of Filippo Santambrogio at Université Paris-Sud, in Orsay. I have studied curves and maps valued in the space of probability distributions endowed with an optimal transport distance, with applications to Mean Field Games.

You can contact me by email: hugo [point] lavenant [chez] unibocconi [point] it.